Latest News Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:00:00 GMT en-us Electronic Communication Devices from Dugout to Catchers to be Permitted in High School Baseball NFHS BASEBALL Electronic Communication Devices from Dugout to Catchers to be Permitted in High School Baseball Posted (Thu) July 6, 2023 The use of a one-way communication device between a coach in the dugout and a team’s catcher for the purposes of calling pitches will be permitted in high school baseball beginning in 2024... more NFHS BASEBALL

Electronic Communication Devices from Dugout to Catchers to be Permitted in High School Baseball

Posted (Thu) July 6, 2023
The use of a one-way communication device between a coach in the dugout and a team’s catcher for the purposes of calling pitches will be permitted in high school baseball beginning in 2024... more ]]>
Thu, 06 Jul 2023 10:00:00 GMT